
Umatilla Police Department invests heavily in training for both sworn and non-sworn personnel. Law enforcement training is a crucial component in ensuring the effectiveness, professionalism, and integrity of police forces. It is essential for equipping officers with the knowledge and skills needed to perform their duties safely and effectively while upholding the law and protecting citizens’ rights. Comprehensive training programs cover a wide range of topics, including legal updates, implicit bias, defensive tactics, firearms, emergency vehicle operations, DUII investigations, active shooter response, hazmat response, critical incident response, mental health, and equipment recertifications. These topics cover several of the Department of Public Safety Standards and Training (DPSST) mandatory requirements for police certification each year.  

Beyond the annual training requirements, Umatilla Police Department affords each employee the opportunity for continual professional development and advanced training which are essential for addressing the evolving challenges in law enforcement. As new threats emerge and societal expectations change, law enforcement agencies must adapt accordingly. Ongoing training ensures that officers remain current with the latest best practices, technology, and legal updates. This continuous learning process not only enhances their capabilities but also reinforces a culture of accountability and excellence within the police force.