Business License Application - Webform


Please note it may take up to 30 days for the business license to be issued. You cannot pay online until the license has been issued, and you receive your 4 digit Business Number.

Online payments: CLICK HERE, Xpress Bill Pay

1. Enter account number, enter 4 digit Business Number. 

2. Enter Business name, click search account. 

3. Enter Card information.

All Businesses that operate in the City of Umatilla are required to obtain a business license prior to operating.  Your business license will require the approval of the Community Development Department, Police, and City Recorder.  If you are interested in opening a business in the City of Umatilla, be sure to follow these important steps:

  • Zoning for the intended business use must be approved by the Community Development Department and you must be able to conform to the off-street parking requirements (defined as parking other than parking on the street), if applicable;
  • Choose a location best suited for your desired business;
  • Complete the Business License Application, either online or in person;
  • You will be notified by the City after final approval is obtained. If approval is denied, you will be notified by staff, along with the reasons for denial;
  • Pay for your Business License after approval: $40.00 Fee

Businesses renewing their licenses for the next fiscal year, must ensure they are not in violation of any City Ordinance, State, or Federal Regulation or Law. The fiscal year runs from July 1st – June 30th.  Any applications for renewal received after 7/15 will incur a late fee of $20.00.

Please note: Additional permits, licenses, and information may be required depending on the type of business.  Examples: gambling activity, liquor serving, food handling businesses, or Contractors.  

Any person who shall within the corporate limits of the City engage in or carry on any business, for which a license is required, without first obtaining such a license or who shall in any manner fail to comply with any of the requirements shall be considered to have committed a Class B civil violation. A Class B infraction carries a penalty of up to $250.00 for each day of violation. 

Please notify City Hall if you discontinue business.


Is a State license/permit required? *