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Column 4
Boards and Commissions
Board Vacancies
If you are interested in making a difference in your community, please submit a Committee Appointment Form.
Budget Committee
7 member committee appointed by the City Council for three-year terms. Meets in March, along with the Mayor and other City Council members, for an informal workshop discussing the budget climate, proposed projects, and an overall status of each major fund. The committee meets again in April to hear the Budget Message and reviews the proposed budget before it is formally approved. The members develop a clear understanding of the operations/services provided and the budget submittal. Specific recommendations on policy and funding issues are discussed in an effort to provide the City Council with the citizen's perspective of the proposed budget.
6 Councilors elected in the City at large and by position number. All members shall reside within the City limits. All are elected for a four-year term in staggered elections, three councilors being elected every two years. The Mayor is elected for a term of four years at alternate biennial election. The duties of the City Council include interpretation of the needs and desires of the local community, appointment of the administrator, approval of preliminary and final plans and specifications, as well as, acquisition and disposal of City property, determination of the compensation and salary schedules of all employees of the City in accordance with procedures established by law and City policy, evaluation of the programs of the City and appraisal of the efficiency of executive personnel, formulation and approval of ordinances, resolutions and policies for the City, implementation of all actions required by law, consideration of specific actions recommended by the City Manager, and adoption of the City budget.
Code Enforcement Board
5 member committee appointed by the City Council; no more than one member of the board may be employed in a business of buying or selling real estate, nor may more than one member be a landlord. Members shall reside within City limits at the time of appointment and for the full term of their appointment. A maximum of two nonresident, real property owners shall be allowed on the board at any time. The boards main duties include conducting hearing on civil violations of the City Code, assessing monetary penalties in instances of determined code violations, adopting rules of procedure for hearings concerning civil violations of the City Code, and acting in an advisory capacity to the City Council, City Manager, and staff in matters relating to code enforcement and civil violations.
Library Advisory Committee
5 member committee appointed by the City Council; all members must be resident voters within the urban growth boundary of the City. The City Manager, Mayor, and Librarian may serve on the board as ex officio members. The Board may: make recommendations to the Librarian, and when appropriate, to the City Manager, Mayor and Council, on all matters pertaining to the planning, acquisition, development, and management of the Library.
Parks and Recreation Committee
6 member committee appointed by the City Council; at least 4 members who shall reside within the City limits and no more than 2 members who reside outside the City limits, but within the urban growth boundary. One Council Member, the Mayor, and the City Manager are ex officio members of the committee. The Committee shall act as an advisory committee to the City Council concerning development and maintenance of parks, trails, and recreational activities which shall be open to the general public; and recommend expenditures related to parks and recreation and submit them to the budget committee for their approval.
7 members appointed by the City Council; not more than 2 of whom shall be nonresidents of the city residing within urban growth area, and the City Manager and Public Works Director as ex officio members. The Commission is responsible for the administration of the Land Use Code. The Commission may: recommend and make suggestions to the city council and to all other public authorities concerning laying out, widening, extending, parking, and locating of streets, sidewalks and boulevards, relief of traffic congestions, betterment of housing and sanitation conditions, and establishment of zones of districts limiting the use, height, area and bulk of building and structures.