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Column 1
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Column 1
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Column 4
Goal 3
Desired Outcome: To enhance already positive local, regional, and state-wide relationships and to strengthen or improve poor relationships. To cultivate current partnerships and to expand partnerships that will help achieve Goals 1 and 2.
Objective 3.1: Strengthen community relations and improve public perception through proactive community engagement.
Objective 3.1.1: Create opportunities for residents to build relationships within their neighborhoods to foster social cohesion, sense of community, and broaden understanding.
Objective 3.2: Actively promote positive actions the City is providing in our community. Promotions may include, but are not limited to: events, parks programs, festivals, city services provided, City staff achievements, elected officials’ achievements, completed projects, partnership achievements, etc.
Objective 3.3: Continue to build upon positive Police Community Engagement activities, especially in socio-economically challenged areas to create meaningful engagement opportunities.
Objective 3.4: Expand public involvement opportunities. Make every effort possible to ensure to provide the public the ability to participate in-person or remotely through utilization of technology. Whenever possible, use live-streaming services of Council or Committee meetings. Post recordings to the City’s website to be viewed on-demand.
Objective 3.4.1: Actively solicit and encourage the community to become committee members, task force members, and to join advisory committees. Each position should be advertised prior to any appointment or re-appointment.
Objective 3.4.2: Whenever possible, provide opportunities for the public to provide feedback on strategic plans, master plans, improvements plans, etc. Participation should be made as accessible as possible and should utilize traditional methods such as town halls or in-person comment opportunities; and should utilize technology whenever possible.
Objective 3.4.3: Encourage city-wide “Community Honor” activities such as Community Clean Up Days, Community Day of Service, Community Historical Celebrations, and similar.
Objective 3.4.4: Create a Mayor’s Choice: Citizen of the Year Award to be presented at either a major Community appreciation event or during a City Council meeting. The recipient of this award will have a day declared in their honor via Mayoral Proclamation.
Objective 3.4.5: Create programs in partnership with the School District and/or other education organizations to have students Pre-K through high school to come and lead City Council in the Pledge of Allegiance at each Regular Council Meeting.