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Column 4
Goal 2
Desired Outcome: Achieve economic stability and sustained job growth, build a highly skilled and flexible local workforce, concentrate on retaining and expanding existing local businesses, recruit new businesses that are well-suited for success in our region, encourage education, strengthen tourism, promote and encourage the preservation of our historic assets and history, support residential and commercial developers, invest in infrastructure and technology, ensure adequate supply of development-ready lands for commercial/residential/industrial use, and encourage development that is environmentally sensitive.
Objective 2.1: Continue to strongly support and encourage the development of data centers.
Objective 2.2: Promote diversification of the commercial/industrial base.
Objective 2.3: Reduce barriers to economic growth. Listen to commercial and industrial developers, partners, staff, and the public to reduce such barriers.
Objective 2.4: Cooperate with local educational institutions to coordinate training/skill requirements to meet the needs of local employers. Reduce barriers to obtaining necessary or upgraded job skills.
Objective 2.5: Cooperate with business, educational institutions, community organizations, and government to provide information to local businesses.
Objective 2.6: Assist local and non-local firms in finding appropriate development sites for expansion and encourage local employers to grow in-place.
Objective 2.7: Cooperate with other agencies and institutions to identify programs and services to assist in the creation of new small businesses.
Objective 2.8: Promote start-up businesses with both financial and technical assistance. Create a city-run business incubator program that helps new businesses off-set some of the risks of starting a new business.
Objective 2.9: Partner with the Chamber of Commerce and other organizations to create local programs which provide business development, information, and technical assistance.
Objective 2.10: Partner with other jurisdictions and/or private organizations whenever possible to pool resources and leverage funds.
Objective 2.11: Improve in the city’s economic vitality and competitiveness by investing in our utility infrastructure, transportation systems, and recreational opportunities.
Objective 2.12: Explore the feasibility of a city-owned industrial facility that would be available for lease to industrial customers. If viable, purchase industrial land and construct such a facility that will be no less than 40,000 square feet. If possible, do so with at a time when a commitment from a prospective leaseholder is obtained.
Objective 2.13: Grow the city’s inventory of large industrial parcels, 50 acres or more, to meet the industrial demand of the region. If necessary, pursue urban growth boundary expansion according to land use law and best practices.