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Rock the Locks Music Festival 2024
The second year of our Rock the Locks (RTL) Music Festival is scheduled for October 4th-6th, 2024, at the Big River Golf Course in Umatilla, Oregon.
This page will be updated to keep Umatilla community members aware of future community meetings, traffic plans, and other relevant information pertaining to the festival. For more information regarding bands, volunteer opportunities, tickets, and camping, visit RocktheLocks.org
2024 Community Member Sound Mitigation Information:
To sign-up for the RTL Community Update email list click here.
November 7th, 2024 Update:
We would like to announce a schedule update regarding the RTL post-event presentation.
The presentation of findings, including subjective data and data collected by ABD sound engineers, will now take place at the City Council meeting on December 3rd rather than November 19th. This slight adjustment ensures that ABD has ample opportunity to review and prepare the data fully for the most thorough and accurate presentation.
We apologize for the inconvenience and appreciate your understanding.
October 15th, 2024 Update:
We hope you enjoyed the recent Music Festival! We want to hear your thoughts and experiences through a quick survey.
Your feedback is essential, especially as we work on improving sound mitigation efforts for future events. By sharing your insights, you’ll help us create a better experience for everyone in our community.
Rock the Locks 2024, Post Event Survey - McNary Neighborhood
This survey is intended for anyone who lives in McNary. In order to present the results of this survey to the City Council at their November 19th meeting, we ask that you please complete this survey online or print it out and deliver it in-person (or by mail) no later than Monday, November 1st, 2024.
Thank you for taking the time to share your voice.
September 25th, 2024 Update:
With Umatilla’s Rock the Locks Music Festival fast approaching (October 4-6) we wanted to ensure that all residents are well-informed about this 3-day music festival happening nearby on the back-9 of Big River Golf Course.
Here is the information you need to know about:
General Traffic Plan: We have established and implemented several mitigation efforts to help reduce impacts to the McNary community, but there will still be general increases in traffic. During the festival, there will be clear signage directing festival traffic to Bud Draper Rd. and additional signage letting festivalgoers know Willamette Street will not have access to the festival. Additionally, festival tickets and our website direct people to Bud Draper Rd. Included, you will find two (2) McNary Resident Parking Passes. These passes must be placed on the dash of any vehicle parked on the streets within McNary. Vehicles parked on McNary streets without displaying a Resident Parking Pass may be cited. Due to several residents driving from the west side of McNary closer to the festival, we have two types of Resident Parking Passes this year: East McNary (Deschutes Avenue and to the east) and West McNary (west of Deschutes Ave.). Only vehicles with an East McNary Parking Pass may park their vehicles on public streets on Deschutes and to the east. We encourage residents attending the event to take advantage of the free McNary Shuttle. Please get in touch with the Parks and Recreation Department using the contact information below if you need additional parking passes. We anticipate high traffic volume along Hwy 730 and Bud Draper Rd. during the festival weekend, especially during the hours of 5:00pm – 8:00pm and 11:00pm – 12:30am and encourage you to plan accordingly. (If you forgot to place your parking pass and were cited, please contact us after the festival is over and we will void the citation).
For those of you that will be attending the festival, please be advised that there is NO PUBLIC ACCESS to the festival from the west side of the festival (the neighborhood side). We will be providing, free-of-charge, a McNary Shuttle that will run approximately every 20 minutes at the locations as designated on the McNary Shuttle Map (included in this letter) between the hours of 11:05am and 12:20am (13.25 hours each day).
Event Information Sources: We encourage you to visit our website www.rockthelocks.org or follow us on Facebook (www.facebook.com/RocktheLocksMusicFestival) to see up-to-date posts in regards to traffic plans, parking restrictions, safety precautions, and other crucial information. Additionally, we also have a Rock the Locks Community Member Page https://www.umatilla-city.org/parksrec/page/rock-locks-music-festival-2024 , where we regularly post updates, including sound mitigation efforts aimed at enhancing the experience for both neighbors and festival attendees.
Discounted Tickets: All Umatilla community members can purchase Rock the Locks tickets at 50% off for up to 4 tickets. To redeem this offer, simply use your City of Umatilla Utility Account Number as the promo code (including the periods).
24-Hour Support: We want to ensure the festival is a positive experience for everyone, especially for our McNary neighbors. The following number will be activated at 3:00pm on Thursday 10/3/24 and run through 10:00am Monday 10/7/24, exclusive to neighbors closest to the venue, and is available 24 hours a day for this purpose: 541.314.9499.
Post-Event Survey: A link to the updated post-event survey will be available beginning at 10:00am on 10/7/24 at this website: https://forms.gle/8cG2FviSq3KUGmQy6. We hope that you will provide us your feedback about impacts you experienced during the festival. Please provide us with your candid comments, for better or worse, about your experiences with traffic, noise, trash, interactions with festivalgoers and staff, communication, response times, and anything else you’d like to share. We will also be interested in any ideas or solutions you may recommend making it a better experience in 2025.
In closing, if you have any last-minute questions or concerns, please contact the Parks and Recreation Department at 541-922-3226 ext. 120 or by email at recreation@umatilla-city.org. Your feedback will help us improve and enhance Rock the Locks Music Festival for years.
Please check out our Neighbor Hotline FAQ: This FAQ addresses common concerns and provides clear guidance on reporting issues, seeking assistance, and ensuring your voice is heard. Your feedback is essential in helping us enhance everyone's experience at the festival.
We express our commitment to do all we can to reduce impacts to our amazing McNary neighbors and hope to see you at Rock the Locks!
August 30th, 2024 Update:
With just 35 days until the Rock the Locks Music Festival, the City would like to provide another update on the sound mitigation efforts underway in preparation for the event.
1. Curtain Height: We wanted a 17' high curtain since this was top elevation of the speakers from both stages, but have since learned that the curtains come in 8' high panels. We'll use a 16' high curtain instead. The Performance Engineer (stage sound engineer), PSI, has agreed to lower the elevation of the speakers to no higher than 16’ to match the curtain height, resulting in the same sound reduction result.
2. Curtain Installation Costs: We partnered with JUB Engineering to provide options on how to safely install the curtain, and it's quite expensive. Their analysis provided that proper footings would cost about $800,000, much more than our budget. We also explored an alternative using ecology blocks and guy wires, but that option also proved to not be viable due to costs and inferior safety.
3. Finalized Curtain Plan: In consultation with our Sound Engineer, ABD, and JUB Engineering, we were able to come up with a creative, and perhaps better, sound reducing option utilizing the sound curtains. The City, in partnership with local business Hagerman’s Trucking, will utilize 23 long trailers (approximately 8.5’ wide by 54’ long by 13.5’ high) to create a barrier immediately behind the stages that runs along the southern boundary of the festival area for approximately 1,200 linear feet (see map) . We will then attach the curtain to these trailers, on the festival side of the trailer, with the curtain extending approximately 2.5’ above the top of the trailers to reach the full 16’ elevation needed. Each trailer will hold a section of the curtain that weighs around 900 pounds. ABD Engineers has recommended that when installing the curtains, the panels should either slightly overlap or must be snug against each other to avoid gaps. This option also provides an additional 8.5’ of mass for any sound to penetrate through the trailers.
4. Prison Work Crew: The City will utilize our partnership with Two Rivers Correctional Institution (TRCI) for prison work crew labor. Preparations to start setting up for the festival will began on Monday, September 9th with assistance of prison work crews. Crews are required to have onsite supervision at all times and will also work alongside City Public Works crews. Set-up will start inside the northern areas of the golf course first. Beginning September 23rd up until the start of the festival, the trailers, sounds curtain, stages, southern perimeter wall (same 6’ foam/chain link wall as last year), production trailers (RVs), etc. will be installed. You can expect to see crews throughout the golf course 9/9/24 – 10/3/24, with work close to homes along Walla Walla and Cowlitz to begin on 9/23/24.
5. Exclusive 24-Hour Phone Number for Neighbors: Watch for information about a dedicated phone line for neighbors during the RTL Musical Festival. We’ll provide more details on this service as the event date approaches, but no later than September 27th.
6. Updated Map & a Few Other Small Updates: Both the Main Stage (west) and Stage 2 (east) will both be moved about 10’ further to the north. The Main Stage will also be moved about 10’ to the east and Stage 2 will be moved about 10’ to the west from where they were both located last year (resulting in the two stages being about 20’ closer together). It has been well communicated to promoters, bands, and contracted production staff (stage, lights, etc.) that there is absolutely no camping in the SE area permitted (near the east end of Walla Walla St.). This will be strictly enforced this year. All light stanchions that were located along the southern boundary of Hole 14 that ran on combustible fuels will be replaced with temporary lights plugged into onsite power, resulting in a reduction of engine noise and directional lighting pointed toward the venue and away from neighbors.
7. Subjective Success Criteria: We are still working through our draft criteria. But, if you have anything you’d like us to consider as part of that criteria, please send that to me. These are questions similar to “It was quieter in my house this year compared to last year: Strongly Agree/Agree/Neither Agree nor Disagree/Disagree/Strongly Disagree” or “Noise levels this year were noticeable, but did not effect my ability to enjoy my home: Strongly Agree/Agree/Neither Agree nor Disagree/Disagree/Strongly Disagree,” etc. These questions do not rely on quantifiable data like a dB reading, but are subjective to your personal experience and observation. These questions, when cross referenced with the objectionable data, will help us understand better how effective our efforts were at sound mitigation.
June 26th, 2024 Update:
The City of Umatilla is pleased to share the reports prepared on sound mitigation and community engagement activities are complete. This information will be presented to City Council on July 2nd, 2024. Members of the community will have a dedicated opportunity to comment on these topics during the meeting.
These reports were developed by professional firms retained by the City based on their respective expertise. The information was informed by public comment received on the Rock the Locks sound mitigation received before and after this process began in January 2024. The reports will be shared along with the other Council Meeting materials for July 2nd and available on the City of Umatilla website in advance of the meeting.
There will be a dedicated comment sign up list and period for this topic and neighbors are encouraged to share their comments. All members of the community will also be able speak on any city related topic before or after the meeting as usual.
As reminder, here are the instructions for public comment:
Public Comment is an opportunity for citizens to express opinions, raise issues, and provide information to the City Council. Comments presented during this segment should be on city-related issues and not on items that are scheduled for a Public Hearing on the same evening’s agenda. If you wish to speak, please provide the requested information on the Sign-Up Sheet, being sure to note the topic on which you will speak. When called to the podium, begin by stating your name and address. You will have five minutes to speak, unless otherwise instructed.
June 17th, 2024 Update:
The 2024 Rock the Locks Music Festival (RTL) is less than four months away and planning is in high gear. Here is the latest on RTL community engagement and sound mitigation work:
· Neighbor Meetings. City staff and the Jensen Strategies facilitation team convened a series of community meetings last week (June 3rd and 6th) for neighbors living closest to the Festival. The meetings gave neighbors a chance to learn about and provide input on the preliminary sound engineer recommendations. The Preliminary Sound Mitigation Report from ABD Engineering that was distributed at the Neighbor Meetings can be found here.
· Final Sound Mitigation Report. ABD Engineering will complete their final report this month. It will include information from their preliminary report and any updates needed after the Neighbor Meetings. The report will be available on the web in late June as part of the City Council’s July 2nd agenda packet.
· City Council Update on July 2nd. The July 2nd City Council meeting will include an update on RTL community engagement and sound mitigation efforts. Please note that this July 2nd update is instead of the previously announced June 18th Council update. The date was delayed to allow more community input from the neighborhood.
· Dedicated Staff Contact for RTL Neighbors. This year, the Festival’s closest neighbors will be able to contact a dedicated staff person before and during the Festival to address any questions or concerns. If you are a neighbor of the event and would like to contact information for this dedicated staff person, please email recreation@umatillla.gov with your request.
If you have not already, please sign up to receive email notifications when new information like this update is available about Rock the Locks by filling out this short form.
May 31st, 2024 Update:
The City has another update available on the community engagement and sound mitigation work underway in preparation for the 2024 Rock the Locks Music Festival.
● The previously announced Neighbor Meetings on sound mitigation will be held on Monday, June 3, and Thursday, June 6, 2024 (rescheduled from May). During these meetings, participants will have the opportunity to learn about and provide input on the preliminary sound engineer recommendations. These meetings are open to all but will be most relevant for neighbors of the event (who live east of Deschutes St. or approximately within 800 feet of the stage). Neighbors are highly encouraged to attend. Please reach out to recreation@umatillla.gov or fill out this short form https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RTLNeighborMeetings at your earliest convenience if you would like to attend.
The presentation of information about neighbor input and sound mitigation options to the City Council is still planned for the June 18th City Council meeting.
● Sound Mitigation Preliminary Report. Analysis has been completed and the Preliminary Report is in concluding development by the professional engineers retained by the City. This report was prepared to evaluate the 2023 festival and provide recommendations on the impact and feasibility of potential mitigation options for the 2024 and/or 2025 festivals and will be available for our review at the June 3rd and June 6th meetings.
● Sound Mitigation Final Report. ABD Engineering will complete their final report on June 14, 2024 and will include the information provided in the Preliminary Report and any additional updates/edits necessary resulting from our meetings on June 3rd and June 6th. A copy of the Final Report will be available no later than 5:00pm on June 14th as part of the City Council’s Agenda for their June 18, 2024 meeting.
If you have not already, you can also sign up to receive notifications when new information is available about Rock the Locks by clicking here and completing this short form.
May 16th, 2024 Update:
The City would like to share an update on the community engagement and sound mitigation work underway in preparation for the 2024 Rock the Locks Music Festival.
In February, the City held an initial listening session to inform the upcoming community engagement process and shared a preliminary timeline. Due to sound mitigation analysis results taking longer than originally estimated, the community engagement timeline has been extended two weeks. This resulted in changes to the dates of the neighbor meetings and the presentation of the report on sound mitigation options for City Council.
Community engagement has continued including individual conversations with impacted neighbors who have provided feedback throughout this process. As announced before, two meetings have been rescheduled for early June (originally planned for May) to incorporate more information from the sound engineering analysis underway. As a result, the presentation of information about neighbor input and sound mitigation options to City Council has been changed to the June 18th City Council meeting.
Sound mitigation analysis is still in progress by professional engineers retained by the City to evaluate the 2023 festival and provide recommendations on the impact and feasibility of potential mitigation options for the 2024 and/or 2025 festivals. The analysis is being conducted by sound engineers from ABD Engineering & Design, Inc. with specializations in evidence-based acoustic design that includes data collection, research, and calculations with a myriad of experience that ranges from work with healthcare, higher education, houses of worship, environmental mixed-use residential, municipalities, performing arts centers, and industrial noise and vibrations. Their work includes evaluation of previously shared information from neighbors, including neighbor-provided suggested measures and studies. The preliminary findings will be reviewed at the Neighbor Meetings, and then updated to include a final report to be provided and presented to City Council.
As a reminder, particularly if you live east of Deschutes St. (or approximately within 800 feet of the stage), please consider attending the series of two Neighbor Meetings. These sessions will be facilitated by Jensen Strategies and held on Monday, June 3 and Thursday, June 6, 2024 (rescheduled from May).
Please register by sending an email to recreation@umatillla.gov or filling out this short form https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RTLNeighborMeetings.
Registration is requested by Wednesday, May 29th, 2024.
You can also sign up to receive notifications when new information is available about the Rock the Locks by clicking here and completing this short form.
May 3rd, 2024 Update:
After careful consideration, the Neighbor Meetings initially planned for Monday, May 13, and Thursday, May 16, are rescheduled for Monday, June 3, and Thursday, June 6. The City recognizes the importance of having sound mitigation analysis information for these conversations. This scheduled extension will help ensure preliminary results are available and prepared for the group’s consideration. It will also allow continued promotion of these meetings to neighbors. Thank you for your understanding, and we apologize for any inconvenience.
To ensure we can accommodate everyone and provide the necessary materials, please register for these meetings by emailing recreation@umatillla.gov or filling out this short form: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RTLNeighborMeetings.
Please register by Wednesday, May 29, 2024.
We appreciate your understanding and hope you can attend the new dates.
If you have already signed up for the May meetings, please re-register, and the Jensen Strategies team may call you to follow up.
April 30th, 2024 Update:
As a reminder, the City is holding two Neighbor Meetings on sound mitigation for the 2024 Rock the Locks event. These sessions will be held in person the evenings of Monday, May 13 and Thursday May 16, and will be facilitated by the Jensen Strategies team. Attendees are asked to attend both sessions if possible. Please register in advance by sending an email to recreation@umatillla.gov and we will forward meeting details. Please register by Thursday, May 9, 2024.*
These sessions will be geared toward neighbors who live near the festival event (McNary neighborhood residents who live within 600 ft of the stage), but any interested community members are welcome to participate. The meetings will provide an update on sound engineering work that is underway and give neighbors an opportunity to provide input to the City on potential sound mitigation measures.
We encourage you and your neighbors to attend. Please feel free to reach out to recreation@umatilla.gov with questions.
*When you RSVP, please let us know if you have a physical, language, or other accommodation request so we can help ensure you can comfortably participate in this conversation. Note: this will be an in-person meeting; a virtual option is not planned at this time.
April 15th, 2024 Update:
The City is planning two Neighbor Engagement Sessions in May – one on Monday, May 13th and the second on Thursday, May 16th. These are designed for neighbors who are affected by noise from the event and would like to discuss sound mitigation options. For continuity, we are asking neighbors to join us for both meetings. Please sign up for the update list using the link above or contact us directly using the information below if you’d like to be part of these neighborhood meetings.
To receive regular updates on City planning for this year’s RTL festival, using the link above or send an email to recreation@umatilla.gov to be added to the notification list.
March 20th, 2024 Update:
The City is currently working to prepare for stakeholder interviews with impacted residents. These will take place in the coming weeks. Information gained from these interviews will inform the sound mitigation strategies. The City is also working with sound engineers to develop strategies for improved sound mitigation at the 2024 festival.
March 4th, 2024 Update (see link below):
Rock the Locks Sound Mitigation and Community Engagement Update
February 7th, 2024 Update:
Recording of this meeting (Neighborhood Listening Session from February 7th, 2024) is available by clicking on the link below titled "February 7th, 2024 Neighborhood Listening Session Recording"
Past Meeting Information:
February 7th, 2024 Listening Session Summary
February 11, 2023 Community Presentation
February 11, 2023 Community Meeting Handout
April 11th Community Presentation
February 7th, 2024 Neighborhood Listening Session Recording
Past FAQ Video Links: