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Column 4
Library Policies
Umatilla Public Library Policies:
Policy 001: Circulation Policy
Policy 002: Collection Management Policy
Policy 003: Patron Confidentiality Policy
Policy 004: Mission Goals and Statement Policy
Policy 005: Revision of Library Policies
Policy 006: Fine Free Library Policy
Policy 007: 3D Printing Policy
Policy 008: Computer Use Policy
In addition to the policies listed above, the following guidelines apply to our patrons.
Acceptable Use of the Internet and Library Public Computers
- By using the computer's in the Umatilla Public Library or the wireless you agree to the following:
- Not hold the Umatilla Public Library or the City of Umatilla liable for any loss or damage to your data, software, hardware of for any damage or injury arising from invasion of privacy in your computer accounts, programs, or files.
- The Library assumes no responsibility for damages direct or indirect arising from connecting to the Internet.
- Not in any way damage library software, hardware. No downloading, installing of any software onto computers, or malicious programs.
- Use of your own device-Flash drive is advisable.
Behavior in the Library
- Disruptive behavior is considered to be behavior that represents physical danger to the patron or others, or behavior that interferes with other library users or staff. Disruptive behavior is behavior that is inappropriate in a library setting. Disruptive behavior that is unacceptable in the library includes, but is not limited to:
- Running, chasing, horseplay
- Screaming, shouting, yelling, loud laughing or other noise
- Eating or drinking
- Abusive or excessive use of the courtesy phone for calls other than parents
- Throwing books or other objects
- Jumping on furniture
- Continued or frequent loud talking in study areas
- Bullying or bothering other people
Video & Audio Recording in the Library
Although libraries are public places, some video and audio recordings may be limited. We strive to protect users’ privacy when they are using library resources. To protect our patron's privacy and confidentiality and in accordance with the Library Bill of Rights, we do not condone recording in the following areas of the library.
- Near public use computers
- Restrooms
- Study rooms
- Kid & Teen Zone
- Front Counter (when patrons are being assisted)
- Offices and other Employee Only areas
- Or any space where a patron's privacy or confidentiality may be violated
For more information please see the library’s policy on Patron Confidentiality
Violation of any of the rules above will be handled in the following way:
- Patron will be asked to stop the behavior.
- Patrons will be asked again to stop their behavior and warned that they will be asked to leave if warned again.
- Patron will be asked to leave the library for a week. After the week, the patron can return to the library and rules will begin again.
*Patrons may be asked to leave the library, at the discretion of any library staff member, if the situation mandates. If necessary, the police will be contacted.*
Children Alone in the Library
- Guidelines for Parents and Staff:
- Parents are responsible for the behavior of their children while they are in the library and on library property. The Umatilla Public Library will help children with activities related to the Library. It is not the Library staff's responsibility to serve as baby-sitters, teachers, or disciplinarians.
- Children age 10 or under must be accompanied in the library. It is strongly recommended that all children are accompanied by someone who can take responsibility should an emergency occur.
- If a child in this age group is found unattended, library staff will attempt to locate the parent/caregiver in the library and inform them of the rules. If the parent/caregiver cannot be found, the police will be called for assistance to locate the child's parent/caregiver.