
Ben's Guide to US Government for Kids

The White House

PBS You Choose

For kids K-12 - Sing the ABC's of national government. Put the United States back together and learn the history of the bald eagle and statue of liberty. 

Learn about Flat Stanley's visit with George Bush, Why tee-ball is being played on the lawn, and what really goes on in the White House.  Learn about past and present presidents, watch videos, and create a campaign poster! Collect and print all the presidents trading cards!

FBI Kids

First Ladies of America

U.S. Presidents

What is it exactly that the FBI does? Click here to get the Inside Story.  From Martha Washington to Laura Bush, the First Ladies have been the women behind the scenes who have supported our Nation's Leader. 

Contains a list of all the presidents, from the nation's birth to present day. Find out what they liked to eat and what they liked to do.