Art & Music

Coloring Pages

PBS Coloring Games

Art Games

Hands on Crafts

Bats, Bears, Birds and beasts need a little color in their life.

All different coloring games to keep you entertained for hours! Compose your own art masterpiece and play tons of fun interactive games that will put your creative juices to the test. Roll up your sleeves and prepare to get dirty playing in the mud. Or stay clean and make your own shirts and baskets.

Paint Online

National Gallery of Art Kids Page

PBS Music


Painting is a great way to express yourself and communicate emotionally! Paint online is the perfect video game for kids. Is that Napoleon on skates? Explore these beautiful (and bizarre) works of art through games and activities. Learn about music while playing games! Rock out will all your favorite characters.

Create your own music with the help of a merry crew of beatboxers. Choose your musical style and start to lay down, record and share your mix.